Hamacas yucatecas

Hammocks and the Mayan environment are closely related. In fact, the word hammock derives from the Mayan word "hayabil-kaan", which means "ropes to lie on" and refers to a network stretched between two walls where the inhabitants of the Yucatecan peninsula lay down to rest. Therefore, it is not by chance that Yucatecan hammocks are a guarantee of quality, durability and pleasant design. What is it that makes so special the hammocks that are made - according to ancient artisan techniques - in the Mexican southeast? That is exactly what we will discuss in what follows.

The beauty and good design of the Yucatecan hammocks , which are created by talented masters from the Mayan communities, are the object of admiration by national and foreign tourists. It is not surprising to know that the hammocks made in this part of the national territory are exported to different nations, even in distant continents, due to their many qualities.

It is worth mentioning that, in the State of Yucatán, the most important municipalities in terms of making hammocks are: Tixkokob, Chumayel and Teabo. Making a hammock is a true art. It takes from one to two weeks according to its size and characteristics. In addition, Yucatecan hammocks are usually made with a wide range of materials.

If you are interested in purchasing the best quality Yucatecan-style hammocks, we recommend you do so on the Hamacas.mx web portal, it is a one hundred percent safe and satisfactory option. There is no doubt that hammocks are the most representative artisan creations of the Yucatecan territory and buying them is taking a little of this wonderful entity in your heart.

A positive aspect in this regard is that Mayan artisans usually receive support to carry out their work and thus preserve the techniques they use to make hammocks. The use of the hammock as a daily bed is a true tradition in the Land of the Mayab, due to the high temperatures that prevail almost throughout the year in that region of the national territory.

One of the Yucatecan communities most closely linked to the artisan elaboration of hammocks is Tixkokob, a municipality that had notable periods in the commercialization of this ornamental utensil-object that over time has become of enormous importance for the local economy. . Tixkokob is located 22 kilometers north of Yucatan.

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